Tuesday, November 24, 2015

News of the week

Your wife got a work promotion after a grueling 2 month candidacy process. She sang to the world. You said congratulations in a text. Time passed. She shifted her body, kicking comforts away to make room for inescapable stomach cramps and images of terrorism.  You slept. Time passed. She bought pre-made soup and didn't eat it. You  commented, "It's wasteful" and picked fights for the rest of the evening. The news of the week was brocolli soup.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Friendship circles

Dear friend,

please come again

with the need to begin

to cross the line that brought us to

our end

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Missed Moment

You Did Not Come 

And seconds stalled, sowing 
the sun
Left by the lure of your presence that day
There that my thoughts stopped crashing your touch
Then not even the sea could wash it away
Did you not know that your light meant so much
Saddened I, when as the moment confessed
It was done
You did not come

You love not only me
And love alone demands eternity
I know it and knew it. But unto the shore
of safety secured from movement we had
Was it not worth a little hour or more
Possibility lost, but I now understand
You needed something I could not be
You love not only me

Inspired/Imitation by "A Broken Appointment", Thomas Hardy

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Lost in her own thoughts

She had to get lost in her thoughts because the plan wasn't working. There was nothing else to get lost in and her thoughts were the only thing left for her to trust.